List of Social Media accounts and fanpages that deal with coronavirus problem.
Stay tuned for updates!
EveryDayIsDifferent: Our Facebook Fanpage. We are not Coronavirus-oriented-only page but we care. Visit us and join if you want to support us.
Our FB Picture Frame: "StayHome It Will Save Lives" - Get this Facebook Photo Frame to encourage people to Stay at Home and keep Social Distance.
Our FB Picture Frame: "StayHome We Will Beat This!" - Picture Frame for your Facebook profile photo. Click this link to try it.
WHO on Facebook: World Health Organization (WHO) official Facebook Page. Join the conversation!
FB Coronavirus Info: Facebook coronavirus information center Spanish Doctors and Police Applaud Each Other Outside Madrid Hospital. Emergency services in Madrid paid mutual respect to each other over the weekend
Cornelia Griggs on Twitter: Cornelia Griggs - Surgeon, Mommy ... "but if they lose me to COVID I want them to know Mommy tried really hard to do her job..."