The list below contains the most important websites about Coronavirus/COVID-19 Pandemic
Stay tuned for updates!
WHO COVID-19: World Health Organization - many useful informations. Situation reports, FAQ, protection, mythbusters, statistics, ...
WHO Situation & Statistics: Interactive map provides the latest numbers (global and by country) of COVID-19 cases on a daily basis.
WHO Safety Rules: WHO advices for public, how to protect yourself Probably the best and the fastest statistical website. Frequently updated. World and countries statistics and charts. European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control. Facts, Preventions, FAQ, Situation, ... US Government's website. All you should know about coronavirus outbreak. How to prepare yourself, Symptoms, What to do...
Covid-19 on Wikipedia: Signs and symptoms, Cause, Diagnosis, Prevention, Management, Prognosis, Research, ...
Folding@Home: Donate your computing power to create virtual supercomputer that can search for a cure.
WHO Donate Now: Help Fight Coronavirus by donating the COVID-19 Solidarity Response Fund for the World Health Organization.
#StayTheFuckHome: A Movement to Stop the COVID-19 Pandemic + The Self-Quarantine Manifesto (Safety Rules) & Why it's so Important.
Global Deaths (Animated): Global Deaths Due to Various Causes and COVID-19 - Comparision - Animated Chart
J.Hopkins University: Coronavirus COVID-19 Global Cases by the Center for Systems Science and Engineering (CSSE) at Johns Hopkins University.
Reuters Health News: Health News by Reuters - international news organization.
BBC Coronovirus: COVID-19 News by BBC - All you should know and latest news.
WHO Latest News: Rolling updates on coronavirus disease (COVID-19) by WHO
EveryDayIsDifferent: Our Facebook Fanpage. We are not Coronavirus-oriented-only page but we care. Visit us and join if you want to support us.
Our FB Picture Frame: "StayHome It Will Save Lives" - Get this Facebook Photo Frame to encourage people to Stay at Home and keep Social Distance.
Our FB Picture Frame: "StayHome We Will Beat This!" - Picture Frame for your Facebook profile photo. Click this link to try it.
WHO on Facebook: World Health Organization (WHO) official Facebook Page. Join the conversation!
FB Coronavirus Info: Facebook coronavirus information center
Google Covid-19: COVID-18 Information &Resources by Google. Health Information, Sfety & Prevention Tips, Statistics, Resources from Google, ... - Li Wenliang: Li Wenliang warned his colleagues in December 2019 about a possible outbreak of an illness. Li had died at 2:58 a.m. on 7 February 2020.
Sir Tom Moore: 100-year-old Captain Sir Tom Moore, who raised more than £32m for NHS charities has been knighted. COVID-19: Italy's front-line medical heroes, in portraits by Chinese Nurses Share Pictures Of How Their Faces Look After Countless Hours Fighting The Coronavirus Spanish Doctors and Police Applaud Each Other Outside Madrid Hospital. Emergency services in Madrid paid mutual respect to each other over the weekend
Cornelia Griggs on Twitter: Cornelia Griggs - Surgeon, Mommy ... "but if they lose me to COVID I want them to know Mommy tried really hard to do her job..." 'Living legend' doctor Alfa Saadu who dedicated nearly 40 years to saving others dies from Covid-19 Volunteers - Meet the everyday heroes of the pandemic Mortality comparison between COVID-19 and non-COVID-19 eras (2016-2020) in european countries by age, by country,... Heroes of the Pandemic by Newsweek World’s 25 Greatest Leaders: Heroes of the pandemic by